Monday, November 19, 2007

The first pic is at 4 weeks gestation and the bottom one is 6 weeks. Yes, the top one is sideways... This is Mark's first contribution to the blog. (Thanks, darling, for scanning them for me!) According to my day-by-day pregnancy guide the baby will start really taking form (more human than peanut) by our next appointment, which is November 30th. More pictures to come!! I will write about my exciting trip to Babies-R-Us very soon. Happy Thanksgiving week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Weeks 1-8

Well, the first 2 months have gone by smoothly with the exception of a little sickness and pain here and there. I am looking forward to the end of this trimester so that I will be done with the nausea. We have already gotten to have 2 ultrasounds and hear the heartbeat! Mon petit oeuf is very petit, only 1.05 cm at the visit last Friday. I am looking forward to our next appointment... mom and Sarah are going to come along since Mark won't be able to make it.

Mark has been great so far. He gets me food when I'm not feeling well and has really been looking after me. We are having to do a lot of planning before mon petit oeuf arrives... budgeting, building, baby-proofing, moving stuff, and buying stuff. And I have GOT to learn to get and stay organized asap! We are adding a bonus room above our garage and moving his office and part of my PartyLite stuff up there so that we can have a guest bedroom (for Grammy) and a nursery (for baby and mama).

According to our monthly budget we should have an extra $1400 a month to spend/save before the baby comes. I'd really like to know where all that money goes now (besides paying off law school last year and the thousands of dollars that we racked up on our credit card buying appliances and furniture for the new house). I've printed out some reports from Quicken and it's not looking good for me. Apparently most of the disposable income goes towards clothes, hair, and other niceties that I really don't need. *sigh* We were perhaps spending a little too much on beer and cigarettes as well. That should be an easy fix! :-)

More to come....
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers