Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New sounds

Davey is really experimenting with sounds. He still mostly say da-da-da, but he has learned to change the shape of his mouth to make new sounds too. Still no sign of anything that sounds like mama, oh well. The pictures here are of Davey saying "ooooooo" (as in moo, maybe?).
Another really cute thing that he's been doing lately is dancing in his high chair during dinner, unaccompanied by music, I might add. He will growl or grunt at Mark, take a bite of dinner, and then bop along in his chair as he chews. He really marches to the beat of a different drum. :-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Davey is a smartey!

Davey has been watching the Your Baby Can Read DVDs for almost 2 months and it is really helping him with his developmental milestones! He can clap and wave with the video and has even been doing it on command for a couple of weeks. He also seems to know "toes" and "yes" and "no", but of course he will only do these when he thinks we are not looking.

I will post some other videos and pictures that we took yesterday as well... it was a snow day here so we had a lot of fun indoors! Don't you just LOVE the monkey hat? :-)
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers