Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lots of NEW....

So, less than a month (hopefully) before Davey's arrival we are experiencing some great new things...

First of all, we had our maternity portraits done at Precious Memories Portraits (see website and PMP blog under my links). They turned out so great! You can view the proofs, which are uncropped and unretouched (as you will notice by my not so pretty belly button and Harry Potter stretch mark) but they are still amazing if I do say so myself! I am happy to report that the only thing bony on my body these days are my feet and knees. Everything else is appropriately ROUND. :-) And Mark was a real trouper! We've narrowed over 100 pictures down to our favorite 20 or so and are planning to get an album and a bigger one to hang in the nursery. YAY!!

Also, we have decided to switch doctors and go with a group in Newnan that is more supportive of natural childbirth. Some people may think that it's a little in the game to be changing providers, but I feel much more confident about the care and support that I will receive from this group and I am thrilled that they've accepted me as a patient! Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Natural Childbirth

There are a few things in life that I feel very strongly about and one of them is my decision to have a natural childbirth. I don't have a problem with those who choose to have an epidural or cesarian section, because ultimately, whatever a person chooses is right for them as long as it is an educated choice. What I am frustrated with is the lack of emotional support that I and others in my position often experience from friends, family, doctors, and hospital staff. Everyone says the same thing: "Well, Samantha, you just need to know that it may not happen that way (the natural way)." Sometimes I fell like saying "oh, really?" in my most sarcastic tone. If someone has planned for a natural birth, USUALLY it's because they have done a ton of research on their own, and thus know the potential hazards of childbirth and should have a pretty good idea of what their own body can or cannot handle.

I watched a documentary yesterday that has me all fired up. :-D It's a long one, so get cozy if you plan to take a look! Now, these women are actually planning to have home births, which I am not. With this being my first child I thought we'd better do the hospital thing just in case, but I do plan to spend a majority of my labor at home, not in a hospital bed. As the time draws near (5 weeks or so to go) I am already started to get the feeling from my doctors and the hospital staff that they do not prefer people who have natural childbirth. My friend, Carolyn, who is due next week is feeling similarly. As a matter of fact, one of the labor and delivery nurses said to me "If you want to be in pain for 3 hours or more trying to push that baby out- go for it!" I chose to look at this optimistically, deciding this meant that they would definitely be supportive, but I have my doubts.

Well, that is enough for now. I hope some of you will watch that video and get a better understanding of natural childbirth. Many of you may just think I'm a big hippie... that's okay too. :-) If there is one thing I'd want you to take away from it- that would be to really be encouraging to women that you know who desire this experience for their family. Now that I've put this out there to the world, I will probably end up with a c-section and you can all get a good laugh at me. :-D Honestly, as long as Davey is happy and healthy, who could ask for anything more?
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers