Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Was a Great Year

It's hard to believe that 2009 has come and gone and Davey is 18 months old! Time really does fly when you're having fun... If that is the right word for it. :) Thank you to all of the people who made this year so much better for the 3 of us. We've definitely had our ups and downs (as most do), but our friends and family have made it an enjoyable ride!

Davey is getting bigger and smarter every day... learning all kinds of new tricks to impress us. His words are becoming much more clear and he's repeating almost everything that we say to him. I guess I need to start watching my potty mouth before he embarrasses me by repeating something naughty! He's still running and jumping and climbing and driving mommy up the wall with his constant energy. I am still grateful for a happy and healthy baby, even if he is "spirited"!

I will start my new job at Crossroads Chiropractic on January 4th and I am excited, but a little nervous too. I was very disappointed to have to leave Linda at Precious Memories, but I was going crazy trying to support my family without full-time pay or benefits. Davey loves Ms.Geneva, his care-giver while I'm at work, and he has adjusted well to seeing her everyday. It also makes my time with him more special. (And easier for both of us too!)

Mark has just a few more months of law school and he will start prepping for the Bar Exam this summer. We will not receive his results back from the Bar until about October or November of next year. I can't wait to have it all behind us! He's ready to enjoy being home for a while too, although with his friend/neighbor Josh moving away, I don't know what he'll do with himself. He got a golf membership to Cannongate for Christmas... I guess he'll have to find another golf buddy to hit the links with around here. :)

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2010 is fantastic for all of us!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers