Monday, November 3, 2008

New pics

Hey, hey! He's a monkey!

Halloween w/ Claire

Week 20- 2 teeth!!

Week 19 w/ Camper-bear

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

4 months... What a BIG boy!

18 weeks
17 weeks
16 weeks
15 weeks
14 weeks

I just can't believe how much he has changed and how quickly! He's a chunky little booger, isn't he? So... things are going well with Davey- he's reaching new milestones every week. He's just recently found his little monkey toes, but has not put them in his mouth yet. He has rolled over both front to back and back to front, but has not rolled off the bed or couch yet. Thank goodness! He likes to sit up, but has a bad case of what his nanny, Jenn, calls the round bottoms where he kinda tumbles over without support.

As for breastfeeding: he is still doing pretty well. In the past few weeks I've had clogged milk ducts several times, which are very painful. And for the past week or so he has seemed a little disinterested in nursing during the day. I guess there's too much other stuff to do and look at! He is still solely on breast milk, but the fewer feedings during the day don't seem to be bothering him at all. He's certainly not loosing any weight as you can see in his pics!

As for cloth diapering: we're still doing pretty well. He wears cloth diapers most of the time when I'm home with him between Thursday - Monday. We still use disposable at night and when we're out and about. I think we save ourselves 10-15 diapers a week at this point.

Enjoy the pics! More to come very soon!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rollin' right along...

13 weeks

12 weeks
11 weeks

So, today is Davey's 3 month milestone. It feels like he's been part of our life forever. And I can't believe how big he's getting! Carolyn and I have an ongoing joke about how "advanced" our little ones are. Although he's not as dexterous as Claire (Carolyn's 15 week old), he's rolling over (video soon to come) and showing a lot of strength in his neck and kicking his legs. He loves to walk up and down mommy's tummy!

Davey is my little morning lark and is happiest around 6 a.m. He laughs and talks and giggles at us in bed as we struggle to wake up. I'm a morning person anyway, so I'm okay to be up with him. Daddy's a little tougher to rouse that early, but I've never seen him more thrilled to be awake than when his baby boy is laughing at him.

I finally feel like we're getting into the grove of things. We are not on a "schedule" per se because our lifestyle doesn't require that, but we are definitely communicating with each other and the baby more effectively. I can't wait to hear him say "I love you." I think those will be his first words because he hears them SO much! Mommy-hood definitely suits me and I'm eager to have another baby as soon as possible. For now, I am thoroughly enjoying the one that I have.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Whatta Cutie!

Sitting in BUMPO

10 weeks


9 weeks

Well, Baby Davey is doing pretty good... He's been up at 2-3 a.m. the past couple of mornings and doesn't want to go back to sleep though. It's frustrating! But, when I see those beautiful smiles I can't help but love him anyway. Man, am I tired though!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

8 weeks
7 weeks
6 weeks

2 months

5 weeks
4 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks

So, I am a bad blogger... he's 2 months old today and has changed so much already as you can see by the pictures!

Motherhood definitely suits me. I enjoy him so much- even when he's screaming. :-D It's taken a while for us to get used to each other but I think I am finally clear on a few of his expectations:
1. Do not let daddy near me when I'm sleeping or his picking on me WILL wake me up.
2. If I'm crying, I expect to be fed, changed, or picked up immediately.
3. When all of the above fail, put me in the bathtub.
4. Do not even think about clipping my nails when I'm awake!
5. I will usually poop right after you've changed my diaper- get used to it.
6. Talk to me in silly voices and make lots of funny faces at me in the morning to start the day off right.
7. Love me with all of your heart and I will reward you with lots of smiles and coos.

Cloth diapering is going well. I figure we've already saved almost $40 in the last 3 weeks! He looks so cute in his little gDiapers! He still wears disposable at night because they are a little more absorbent.

Speaking of night.... last night he finally slept from 11pm-4am. Normally, he wakes at around 1:30am to nurse. I'm hoping this is a new habit and maybe he'll drop that 4am feeding soon too! I can't wait to get more than 2 or 3 hours of consecutive sleep again!!

Mark is a good daddy and loves to play and nap with Davey. The baby looks just like Mark, especially when he holds him. They have so much fun together already. I bet Mark can't wait until he's a little older and can rough house a little... Davey will be tough as nails by then! Overall he's a real sweet baby and just as handsome as could be- wouldn't you agree?

Monday, June 16, 2008

He's here!!

Welcome to the world David Crawford Brooks! After 28 hours of labor, Davey was born happy, healthy, and drug free at 2:07 a.m. on June 10th, 2008. He weighed 7 lbs. 9.2 oz. and was 20 inches long. Labor was the hardest thing I've ever done and I'm so proud that I was able to make it though with no medical interventions. Don't get me wrong, I was crying for the epidural after 22 hours and only 6 cm dilation, but with the support and encouragement from Mark, mama, our doula, Kristin, and our wonderful midwife, Eileen, I was able to make it all the way through.

The nurses and midwife joked that housekeeping at the hospital was going to wonder what the hell happed on the 2nd floor after I had been in almost every room and shower and used every wash cloth and pillow in the hospital during labor. They nicknamed the event "Hurricane Davey". Everyone was super supportive and I couldn't have done it without all of them! Mark was especially encouraging even though he was exhausted and frustrated too. The midwife even let him deliver the baby! What an experience for everyone!

We're home and still trying to get adjusted to the little fella, but we're doing really well so far. Davey sleeps a lot but is a good baby even when he's awake and looking around. He loves to lay on Mark's chest! Breastfeeding is going okay, just a couple of obstacles to overcome. (I was going to call the obstacles speed bumps, but it just sounded a little funny.) We are currently still in disposable diapers until he can fit into the cloth ones we bought so I will let you know how that goes soon.

For now, enjoy the pictures! More to follow...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lots of NEW....

So, less than a month (hopefully) before Davey's arrival we are experiencing some great new things...

First of all, we had our maternity portraits done at Precious Memories Portraits (see website and PMP blog under my links). They turned out so great! You can view the proofs, which are uncropped and unretouched (as you will notice by my not so pretty belly button and Harry Potter stretch mark) but they are still amazing if I do say so myself! I am happy to report that the only thing bony on my body these days are my feet and knees. Everything else is appropriately ROUND. :-) And Mark was a real trouper! We've narrowed over 100 pictures down to our favorite 20 or so and are planning to get an album and a bigger one to hang in the nursery. YAY!!

Also, we have decided to switch doctors and go with a group in Newnan that is more supportive of natural childbirth. Some people may think that it's a little in the game to be changing providers, but I feel much more confident about the care and support that I will receive from this group and I am thrilled that they've accepted me as a patient! Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Natural Childbirth

There are a few things in life that I feel very strongly about and one of them is my decision to have a natural childbirth. I don't have a problem with those who choose to have an epidural or cesarian section, because ultimately, whatever a person chooses is right for them as long as it is an educated choice. What I am frustrated with is the lack of emotional support that I and others in my position often experience from friends, family, doctors, and hospital staff. Everyone says the same thing: "Well, Samantha, you just need to know that it may not happen that way (the natural way)." Sometimes I fell like saying "oh, really?" in my most sarcastic tone. If someone has planned for a natural birth, USUALLY it's because they have done a ton of research on their own, and thus know the potential hazards of childbirth and should have a pretty good idea of what their own body can or cannot handle.

I watched a documentary yesterday that has me all fired up. :-D It's a long one, so get cozy if you plan to take a look! Now, these women are actually planning to have home births, which I am not. With this being my first child I thought we'd better do the hospital thing just in case, but I do plan to spend a majority of my labor at home, not in a hospital bed. As the time draws near (5 weeks or so to go) I am already started to get the feeling from my doctors and the hospital staff that they do not prefer people who have natural childbirth. My friend, Carolyn, who is due next week is feeling similarly. As a matter of fact, one of the labor and delivery nurses said to me "If you want to be in pain for 3 hours or more trying to push that baby out- go for it!" I chose to look at this optimistically, deciding this meant that they would definitely be supportive, but I have my doubts.

Well, that is enough for now. I hope some of you will watch that video and get a better understanding of natural childbirth. Many of you may just think I'm a big hippie... that's okay too. :-) If there is one thing I'd want you to take away from it- that would be to really be encouraging to women that you know who desire this experience for their family. Now that I've put this out there to the world, I will probably end up with a c-section and you can all get a good laugh at me. :-D Honestly, as long as Davey is happy and healthy, who could ask for anything more?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby Dimensions

What an experience! I can't begin to describe what an amazing time we had at Baby Dimensions last night. Davey was not very active during the ultrasound (although he became quite active at 11pm), but we still got some really good shots of his cute little face. He is all balled up inside me and LOVES to have his hands and feet in his mouth, which made it a little difficult for Stacey, the US tech, to get good face shots. She was so patient and gentle. We had several friends and family attend. It was so nice to be able to share the experience with everyone! I am even more excited now to see him in 8 weeks or so!

Speaking of... I thought I'd take a minute to give you all a little update on how things are going. I can't believe we are only 8 weeks (10 weeks at the most) away from having a baby! The nursery is really looking great- just a few final touches needed. We've decided to do cloth diapers (for the majority of the time) and I'm really nervous about it. I know it will be a great way to save some money (and the earth too).

Davey moves around A LOT. Mark's mom (Nannie) said that Mark was hyper in the womb as well. Of course, she admits to drinking a lot of Coca-Cola when she was pregnant with him. That must be why he likes it so much! Now that he's getting bigger (an estimated 15 inches and 3-4 pounds), he's running out of space to float around and his little jabs and kicks are starting to hurt! I'm hoping that his constant motion will tire him out a bit by the time he's born and he'll be ready to rest. :-)

We've all gone through so many changes since October. Obviously, my whole body has changed, but we've also been trying to lead a better lifestyle. No smoking for me and MUCH less for Mark, eating natural (non-processed) foods and some organic fruits and veggies, whole food supplements (Juice Plus+) instead of vitamins, buying cloth diapers and BPA-free (or glass) bottles for Davey just to name a few. Mark is so patient about all of the changes and has not been as resistant as I had originally anticipated. We've also been attending church more regularly and trying really hard to "better" ourselves in many ways. Mark has really concentrated on his patience with me and his language... he loves that F-bomb! I'm really working on my organizational habits and cleaning so that I will be a better and more put-together mom (and wife). I think we've really come a long way in the past 7 months and I'm proud of us both! Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and helpful along the way!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Diaper Bag

These are the fabrics that I decided on for one of my diaper bags... cute, huh!

11 weeks and counting...

I am officially in my 3rd trimester... the countdown really begins! These few pics were done at around 23 weeks... I"m just getting them posted a month later. Things are really starting to come together at home. The bonus room looks good and the nursery furniture is all in place. I get so excited when I imagine mon petite Davey sleeping in his crib or rocking with me in the glider! My main focus right now is trying to organize and clean the house (especially my office) before fatigue sets in again.

My PartyLite business has been slower than normal the past 2 months, but we are still paying our bills on time so I can't complain. I imagine it will be very tough once the baby is here, but I can't imagine giving up my time at home to work a regular 40-hour/week in Atlanta and putting the baby in daycare. It would break my heart!

Otherwise, things are really good. My exercise class is kicking my butt and my chiropractor is cracking my back. All of my tests have come back normal and I've gained just the right amount of weight so far (24 pounds). I will be seeing the doc every other week from now on. As we get closer to the due date we will go more often. Thanks for checking in on us! :-D

Monday, March 3, 2008

The nursery

I had the most wonderful baby shower on Feb. 23rd! We got so much stuff that we REALLY needed and I've finally been able to start putting the nursery together a little bit. I am so proud of how it is coming together... some nights I just sit in my rocker and watch tv in the nursery instead of the big 40" hdtv in the living room. Davy loves to rock! My next big venture will be choosing a pattern for my diaper bag.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pics at 18 weeks

It's definitely a boy...

"Hi mom and dad!"

Profile view of Davy

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's a BOY!

What a surprise!! Mark had me convinced, despite my initial gut feeling, that we would most definitely be having a girl. To his credit, he had pretty good logic behind the girl hypothesis... His dad has 11 siblings and Mark is the only male grandchild to carry on the Brooks name. So, it was all up to him to parent another male to continue to carry the Brooks name forward and he was convinced that it would take a few tries before that would happen. I am very excited and I can't wait to finally introduce David Crawford Brooks to the world in 4 months! I will post pics as soon as Mark scans them in for me. :-)

Other news:

The bonus room is only lacking paint and carpet to be move-in ready. Mark is very eager to get the room finished so that he can have his own space. I will be relieved to finally start working on the baby's nursery once our junk is moved out of the back bedroom and upstairs into the new room. It's going to be a nice retreat for Mark, especially during finals!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

So, it seems to be the "thing to do" to blog about things that the previous year has taught us and what we will change in the New Year. I've never been one to make a "New Year's resolution", but I do feel compelled to share a some things with my friends and family...

Looking back:

1. I am so proud of myself for quitting smoking (again) in October... even though it took a positive pregnancy test to make that happen. It will stick this time!

2. Moving to a new part of town was difficult, but I've been so blessed with great new friends and neighbors! You know who you are!

3. Owning a business can be a tough job sometimes, but it always keeps me on my toes. I had more than a couple of slow months this year, but we still paid all of our bills on time!

4. I love both of my jobs so much and am blessed with wonderful people to work with!

5. I have a lovely family who are very supportive and caring. Although we may not see each other as often as I'd like- I know they love me and this year has been proof of that. We've suffered through births, deaths, illnesses, distance, and over-all shortage of time, but we've made it through everything with grace and dignity.

Looking forward:

1. This will be our year of health! Exercise classes, Juice Plus+ supplements, organic produce, and watching for dangerous additives in food (high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and Red 40 coloring). Mark can call me a hippie all he wants, but we will be a health-conscious family and he WILL at least try oatmeal bread.... or starve! :-D hahaha <-- evil laugh

2. 2008 will also be a year of productivity... It's crunch time for work! I will make more money than last year at my two jobs. I've got to protect my stay-at-home lifestyle once the baby is here.

3. I am going to be in planning-mode until mon petit oeuf arrives and I'm determined to pull everything together before the end of May.

4. I see travel in my future... Thanks to PartyLite I will be taking a 7-day cruise in May (if the doc permits) and thanks to my very good friend, Vickie, I will be able to fly as a companion with AirTran until June. I plan to go to the Mall of America, San Clemente, CA, Santa Barbara, CA, a beach anywhere once it's a little warmer, St.Louis, New York, New Orleans, and hopefully many other fun places before I loose my ability to fit in an airline seat. :-)

I want to say thank you to every friend and family member who has been there for me in 2007 even if you only played a small role. The little notes and e-mails go a long way too! I wish health and abundance to you all in 2008!

My Space Or Yours?.net

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers