Tuesday, October 14, 2008

4 months... What a BIG boy!

18 weeks
17 weeks
16 weeks
15 weeks
14 weeks

I just can't believe how much he has changed and how quickly! He's a chunky little booger, isn't he? So... things are going well with Davey- he's reaching new milestones every week. He's just recently found his little monkey toes, but has not put them in his mouth yet. He has rolled over both front to back and back to front, but has not rolled off the bed or couch yet. Thank goodness! He likes to sit up, but has a bad case of what his nanny, Jenn, calls the round bottoms where he kinda tumbles over without support.

As for breastfeeding: he is still doing pretty well. In the past few weeks I've had clogged milk ducts several times, which are very painful. And for the past week or so he has seemed a little disinterested in nursing during the day. I guess there's too much other stuff to do and look at! He is still solely on breast milk, but the fewer feedings during the day don't seem to be bothering him at all. He's certainly not loosing any weight as you can see in his pics!

As for cloth diapering: we're still doing pretty well. He wears cloth diapers most of the time when I'm home with him between Thursday - Monday. We still use disposable at night and when we're out and about. I think we save ourselves 10-15 diapers a week at this point.

Enjoy the pics! More to come very soon!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers