Friday, August 21, 2009

August 2009

So many teeth!!! He's had 8 teeth for about 5-6 months and is now getting 9!! teeth all at once.... Can you imagine?! With all these teeth coming in, the nursing has gotten a little difficult lately and we've had a couple of "incidents", so I've decided to wean. It's a lot easier this time than the last time, even though he has asked for it a couple of times. We doing really well with it... just in time for my trip to Santa Barbara! :)

Davey's newest thing is accessorizing. He loves to wear my flip flops or daddy's shoes around the house, although I think he prefers mine. (only because they fit him better) The other day he was walking around the house with my black flip flops on, a blue ribbon around his neck, carrying a blue and green basket. I WISH I had taken a picture of that! It was so funny! We bought him his own pair of flip flops the other day, but he still seems to find mine the most comfortable.

The doctor told us that his development is at a 20-month old's level, which is probably why we are going through the signs of the "terrible twos"... temper tantrums, biting, hitting, and pitching fits. Luckily, he's a pretty happy baby when he has 100% of your attention and loves to be in the middle of things. Such a ham, this one! He must get that from his daddy!!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers